Why you should start learning Python?
Are you a student planning to learn coding for your career or curriculum? Or, are you a professional who is planning to upskill for career boost but unsure what to learn?
If yes, you should consider learning Python. Read this article to know why you should start learning Python today.
There is a sea of programming languages out there which can be overwhelming for people who plan to start learning a new coding language. Some might get confused about which langauge they should learn, where will it be used, how it will advance their career opportunities, etc?
Of all the languages, the one that catches the eye is Python. Python is a very popular langauge and an important one too. The usage of Python in industries is growing at a very fast pace. Definitely you should spend your valuable time on learning Python because of obvious reasons that are entailed in this article.
I have prepared a webapp for Python pop quiz for you to practice your skills. Give it a try here: Python Quiz Exercises
Why Python?
I will not make comparisons between Python and other languages because it’s not a matter of debate. Each langauge has its share of benefits and limitations and which language to choose depends on the project that you are trying to accompalish. If that is so, then the question arises - why Python?
Python is undoubtedly a popular language that find its applications in a variety of industries. Therefore, no matter whether your academic background is in Computer Science or not, you must consider learning Python.
Here is my take in lay man’s terms on why Python programming is vital for your career.
Python is intuitive and a natural language.
Python is relatively easy to learn due to its intuitiveness that comes from its super simplified syntax. This simplicity of syntax offers better readability to the Python code. Due to its beauty and simplicity, you can learn Python while doing fun projects concurrently. In short, you can say that Python is a beginner friendly language.
Interpreted Language
Python is an interpreted language which does not require you to compile the code before executing. Python execute statements line-by-line and the code written in Python is platform independent.
Python promotes open-source.
The world is rapidly moving towards open-source. It is happening and Python developers knows this. Supporting the idea of open-source, Python is free for personal as well as commerical use and so are most of the development environments (IDEs) for Python and third-party libraries developed by Python community.
Abundance of third-party libraries.
Several third-party libraries have been developed and many are being introduced frequently for Python users. The libraries are highly optimized and using these libraries you can focus on your project’s core tasks, rather than spending time on “reinventing the wheel”. You can create incredible apps, dashboards, graphical user-interface (GUIs) with basic expertise using the third-party packages. The collection of libraries is such vast that whatever project you are planning, there is a library to help you build it.
Did you know? Python was one of the two languages that scientists used for data processing and analysis tasks using third-party libraries to create the first-ever black hole image; an image that have over 4.5 billion views. (Source: https://numfocus.org/case-studies/first-photograph-black-hole)
Speed and Power.
While most would argue this statement, but Python is fast and powerful when it comes to data processing related tasks. Python enables rapid development and prototyping. Dr. Chi-Kwan Chan, one of the scientists in the team that created first black hole image, beleives that Python is a great language for explorative work. According to Dr. Chan,
“A lot of our work is actually working with and thinking about the data, and Python lets us speed up the process.” (Source: https://numfocus.org/case-studies/first-photograph-black-hole)
Python Community Support.
Due to its popularity, more people are getting involved with Python and contributing in some way. A large pool of community members are actively supporting Python by acting as a helpful resource for other programmers, which means finding answers whenever you run into a problem is relatively easy.
Jobs that require Python skills
Following are some of the most lucrative career roles where Python coding is extremely useful and can make a difference in your career.
Data Science. Wherever you work, there will be data which is required to be cleaned, processed, analysed, and understood. Python and its third-party libraries are extensively used in Data Science related tasks and for creating compelling visualizations. Good data scientists are one of the highest-paid workers in the tech industry.
Web development. Like Data Science, you will find companies investing heavily into web development. A great website is essential for reaching a larger audience and generating more leads or customers. Most companies utilize Python packages for their web development tasks. Again, the pay range is on the higher side for web developers.
Did you know? Python frameworks such as Flask, CherryPy, and Django have been used to power some of the world’s most popular sites such as Spotify, Mozilla, Reddit, the Washington Post and Yelp. (Source: RealPython)
Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI). Besides Data Science, AI/ML engineers are most sought after and highly paid workers. Also, most Data Science jobs ask you to have Machine Learning skills and experience. Several Python frameworks are extensively used for ML/AI related tasks.
Automation. Industries use many different tools and applications everyday and it is tedious, costly and error-prone to have humans do the routine tasks using tools and apps. Instead, they look to hire those who can write scripts to automate these routine tasks.
- Rename batch files
- Find and downloading online content
- Send emails or texts and post tweet
- Track your stock or crypto portfolio.
- Scientists/Mathematicians. Python is one of the preferred language in academic research by Scientists and Mathematicians because of its easy syntax and can be easliy learned by people who do not have an engineering background. The example of black hole image is the best example of Python usage in research. Python is majorly used by Scientists for image reconstruction, validation of computational models, data processing and analysis, and fluid flow simulations, to name a few.
Lastly, whether you are a professional or an amateur who is trying to make a big career move in tech industry, Python knowledge will certainly benefit you.
Python Workshop
![image containing text python 101 for beginners](/assets/images/posts/python_1.png)
If this article has convinced you to start learning Python now, here is an opportunity for you. I am organizing a 10-days workshop where I will be teaching about Python from scratch. Interested? Read more about workshop information and registration process using the link below.
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