SARDA-DataWorks Home Services Solutions

Client Projects

football analytics

Football Analytics

We are currently working on a project to provide a complete end-to-end solution for a client in the football industry. In the first phase, we are using APIs to acquire data, addressing missing values and cleaning the data. We are then performing an in-depth analysis to determine the accuracy of the winning odds mentioned on the website. In the second phase, we will be build ML models to accurately predict match results. The final phase will be the model deployment.


Inventory Optimization through Predictive Analytics

We utilized our expertise in predictive analytics to develop a tailored solution for a client in retail industry that was facing difficulties managing their inventory. We leveraged machine learning algorithms to accurately predict demand and optimize inventory levels. By continuously refining our model through real-time tracking and data analysis, our solution resulted in a significant reduction in excess inventory and stockouts, leading to increased profits and customer satisfaction for our client.

twitter analytics

Customer Sentiment Analysis from Twitter

We recently delivered a successful project on Customer Sentiment Analysis from Twitter, using advanced natural language processing techniques to monitor brand, product, and service sentiment in real-time. Our custom solution provided timely insights to our client, enabling them to make data-driven decisions that enhanced customer satisfaction and fueled growth. Our expertise in data acquisition,streaming, analysis, and visualization allowed us to deliver an end-to-end solution that exceeded our client’s expectations.